Ab Etching

Ab Etching Atlanta

Abdominal Etching

At Astra Plastic Surgery, we offer ab etching in Atlanta for patients seeking a more sculpted abdomen appearance. Oftentimes, stubborn fat forms over this area, hiding the abdominal muscles. Ab etching defines the “six-pack” and is ideal for those who are in good physical shape, but unable to achieve the visible muscle definition they are looking for. During ab etching, liposuction is utilized to trace the abdominal muscles, resulting in more chiseled abs. Abdominal etching can also be performed alongside tummy tuck to provide patients with a more athletic figure.

What Is Ab Etching?

Ab etching is a surgical procedure in which fat is precisely removed and repositioned to create a more defined 6-pack or washboard stomach. Abdominal etching is a specialized procedure performed with liposuction technology. Instead of removing fat with the goal of achieving a slimmer figure, ab etching removes fat in an advanced and strategic manner. Ab etching sculpts the abdominal wall so that the ab muscles appear more prominently. It can be performed differently for men and women in order to achieve a more masculine or feminine physique. Ab etching can be combined with lipo 360 to reduce fat around the entire waistline.

The ab etching procedure helps reveal any toned muscles that are hidden beneath a layer of fat cells. Even some of the most physically fit patients have difficulty achieving the ab definition they desire regardless of diet or exercise routines. Ab etching in Atlanta is offered for both men and women. The ab etching procedure can be individualized to meet the needs of each patient.

What Are The Benefits Of Ab Etching?

Ab etching in Atlanta can provide patients with natural-looking body sculpting benefits. In many cases, patients struggle to lose fat from their abdomen despite their constant efforts. At Astra Plastic Surgery, We offer ab etching for patients seeking a more defined abdominal appearance.


Abdominal Etching

Ab Etching Atlanta Georgia
Ab Etching Atlanta

Am I An Ideal Candidate For Ab Etching?

During your consultation for ab etching in Atlanta, Dr. Killingsworth and his plastic surgery team will evaluate the treatment area, your medical history, as well as your aesthetic goals to determine if you are an ideal candidate. Candidates for abdominal etching should be in good general health and a non-smoker. Additionally, patients should maintain realistic expectations surrounding the results of their procedure.

Ab etching is ideal for patients who have tried to define the midsection through healthy diet and exercise, but struggle to see definition despite their best efforts. Ab etching can strategically remove fat deposits to accentuate the abdominal muscles and provide patients with a sculpted appearance. Patients who undergo ab etching should be within a few pounds of their ideal weight. It is important to remember that although ab etching can remove fat deposits, it is not a weight loss procedure.

What Should I Expect During Ab Etching?

During the ab etching procedure, small incisions will be made around the abdomen to allow access to the “six-pack.” A small cannula will be inserted through these incisions along the natural contours of the abdominal muscles. Ab etching is most commonly performed under general anesthesia to ensure that patients remain safe and comfortable throughout the entire procedure. Then, a wetting solution will be injected under the skin. This solution consists of saltwater, a medication that helps decrease bleeding and bruising, as well as a local anesthetic.

A small cannula will then be inserted beneath the skin. Your surgeon will gently move the cannula back and forth, dislodging the fat cells and suctioning them out. Once the desired amount of fat is removed, the incisions can be closed. In some cases, the fat is repositioned, rather than removed entirely, to help create more definition. Although procedure times will vary based on a variety of factors, the typical abdominal etching procedure usually takes about an hour to complete.

What Should I Expect After Ab Etching?

After ab etching, patients may experience mild discomfort, bruising, or swelling. However, these symptoms are normal and should subside in the days following the procedure. Patients will need to arrange for a ride home. Most patients are able to return to work in a few days and can resume normal activities in a few weeks.

Before sending you home, Dr. Killingsworth and his staff will provide detailed aftercare instructions. It is important that patients follow these instructions with care to minimize the recovery period and maximize their results. Compression garments should be worn as directed to allow for optimal results and aid in recovery. We encourage patients to call our office if they have any questions or concerns throughout their recovery period. Our staff is on hand to answer any questions you may have.

What Results Should I Expect From Ab Etching?

Following ab etching swelling, surgical dressings, and compression garments may make it difficult to visualize the final results. As your body continues to heal and swelling subsides, patients will begin to notice their new sculpted abdomen. Results can usually be seen 3-6 months after the procedure.

It is important to remember that no two ab etching patients will experience the same results. Results will vary by patient depending on a variety of factors, including anatomy, age, rate of healing, post-operative care, and more. Ab etching patients should maintain their weight and live a healthy lifestyle to extend the longevity of their results. During your consultation for ab etching in Atlanta, Dr. Killingsworth will give you more details surrounding your expected results.

How Much Does Ab Etching In Atlanta Cost?

Astra Plastic Surgery offers ab etching for patients seeking a more defined abdominal appearance. The cost of ab etching depends on a variety of factors. Because ab etching is considered a cosmetic procedure, it will not be covered by insurance. We will provide you with the complete cost during your consultation. We accept payment by cash, personal check, credit card, CareCredit®, and Alphaeon® Credit financing.

Ab Etching Atlanta GA
Ab Etching Atlanta GA

How Do I Learn More About
Ab Etching In Atlanta?

Dr. Christopher Killingsworth and his staff of plastic surgery professionals would be happy to help you set up a personal consultation to discuss ab etching in Atlanta in more detail. Contact our Atlanta office at 678.367.3678, our Cumming, GA office at 678.586.4345, our Marietta, GA office at 678.367.4137, our Alpharetta, GA office at 678.647.6311, or request an appointment online today.

Create The Look You've Always
Wanted For Yourself!

At Astra Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, we believe plastic surgery can achieve transformative yet subtle results that accentuate your natural beauty. Whether you opt for surgical treatments or non-invasive procedures, your plastic surgeon should possess a thorough understanding of your individual anatomy and goals to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Schedule a consultation today to learn how Astra Plastic Surgery can empower you to take control of your look.

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